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Duplin Christian Outreach Ministries News

Thank you for your support of DCOM with your prayers, monetary donations, volunteer hours and donations to Blessings in Store.  DCOM has been able to reach out to the people of our communities and share God’s love with others.  Without your continued support none of this would be possible.  Every day at the crisis center and the thrift store we see God’s love and we are as blessed as those we are reaching out to!  At the December board meeting we voted to accept “Feed Our Hungry Children” under our umbrella and also to start the Backpack Buddies program in 5 local schools, Wallace Elementary, Rose Hill-Magnolia Elementary, Chinquapin Elementary, Charity Middle, and Wallace-Rose Hill High School.  We discussed several possibilities for reaching out to our communities but we concentrated on one additional ministry to DCOM.    If you are interested in being part of one of these ministries, please contact one of the board members, you can call DCOM (285-6000), Blessings in Store (285-5557) or Lois McCartney (285-5766) and leave a message.

Today is March 25, 2025

Wallace Presbyterian Church
205 West Main Street
Wallace, NC 28466-2903
Fax: 910.285.3607

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 717
Wallace, NC 28466


Robert H. Lapp

Church Secretary:
Cheryl Brinkley

Presbytery of
Coastal Carolina

Church USA