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Attie Carlton Handbell Choir

Our handbell choir meets for rehearsal on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. Karla Casteen is director. For more information, you may contact her at 910-284-0482 or                                            [email protected].



Youth Handbell Choir

Our Youth Handbell Choir consists of youth 5th grade and up.  Karla Casteen and Debbie Price are    directors.  No experience is needed to play and you don’t need to read music.  If you can count to four, you qualify as a member!  Rehearsals are on Sunday, at 9:45 AM during the Sunday School hour.  Whole group rehearsals are 2-3 times per month but we are also offering small group practice times on additional Sundays.  Consistent attendance is extremely helpful when learning how to play together  as a group.  Playing bells is not only fun but a joyous way to Praise the Lord!


Adult Chancel Choir

Our adult choir meets for rehearsal every Sunday Morning at 9:00 a.m. Karla Casteen,    music director.  Vera Simpson, organist.  Contact Karla Casteen at 910-284-0482 or  [email protected]  for more information. Anyone is welcome!









Sunday School Classes for Adults

Adult Sunday School Class:  Teachers:  Glenn Price and Curt Simpson

Sunday School Classes for Children and Youth

Sunday School Curriculum Description 2024-2025

Growing in Grace & Gratitude is our quarterly denominational curriculum for children. Children see God’s grace in the biblical narrative and in our world today. The curriculum provides age-appropriate opportunities for responses of gratitude through claiming, celebrating, praying, and offering. Each session will embrace children in the grace of God through engagement with the Bible that echoes reformed worship: gathering in God’s grace, responding in gratitude, and loving and serving God.

Feasting on the Word Curriculum is used for older youth.  The curriculum follows the Revised Common Lectionary and allows everyone to explore the same Bible passage each week. This makes it easy for families to live out their faith together. This curriculum invites learners from children through adults into the rhythm of the church year. Classes will explore the what, where, so what, and now what of each biblical passage from the lectionary through a variety of learning and teaching styles.

Birth-Kindergarten:  Teachers: Ellie Newton, Kelli Norris, Melony Henderson & Sara Matthews 

1st-3rd Grade:  Teachers:  Jennifer Johnson & Bailey Riley

4th-6th Grades:  Teachers:  Kristin Cottle and Casey Hall

7th-10th:  Teachers:  Mary Laine Rouse and Lindsay Skidmore



Outreach Ministries

Helping Hands Food Pantry

Our food pantry is located on the first floor of the church office building (former manse).  Food is provided in crisis situations to residents of Wallace, Teachey, and Rose Hill.  The pantry is supported by donations from the  congregation, area churches, civic clubs, schools, and the postal carriers each May.  There are many workers that help in the food pantry but Barbara and Charles Swetits are the directors, and Patsy Ludlum buys food for the pantry with funds from the food pantry.  They do a fantastic job!


Duplin Christian Outreach Ministries

This joint effort among churches in the area fund and staff a centralized crisis ministry center in  our community.  A board of directors is composed of representatives from area churches and agencies that support the ministry.  The ministry is located at 514 S. Norwood Street, Wallace, NC   28466.  It is open on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:30-11:30 a.m.  


Thrift Store

Blessings In Store, an extension of Duplin Christian Outreach Ministries located at 114 SW Railroad Street, Wallace (formerly One Peacock Place Unlimited). Store Hours are Thursday 1:00 -6:00 p.m., and Saturday   9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m


P.A.T.H. (Presbyterian Answer to Hunger) taken on the 1st Sunday of March, June, September, and December to support our presbytery’s hunger program.



Souper Bowl of Caring:  Sponsored by the Senior Highs, taken on Super Bowl Sunday, supports our Helping Hands  Food Pantry.



One Great Hour of Sharing:  taken on Easter Sunday, supports  the Presbyterian Diaster Assistance Program (members of our congregation benefited from this denominational program in the aftermath of Hurricane Floyd).




Mother’s Day/Father’s Day for Presbyterian Homes of North Carolina:  Taken on Father’s Day to support Presbyterian retirement homes.


Thanksgiving Offering for Barioum Springs Home for Children in                                            Barium  Springs, NC:  taken on the Sunday before Thanksgiving.



Christmas Joy Offering:  taken on the 2nd Sunday of December to support retired church workers and scholarship programs at the PC(USA) racial-ethnic colleges and universities.



5th Sunday Building Offering:  taken on the 5th Sundays of the year, this offering is above and beyond any and all pledges to the annual budget or building fund.  The money is applied directly tothe principal of the building loan.  The building loan was paid in full at the end of 2008, so the fund now goes to any on-going renovation projects that are in place.



This offering is taken every fourth Sunday and is combined with offerings from other churches in the Wallace, Teachey, and Rose Hill communities, to help pay for school lunches at area public schools for children whose families are experiencing economic hardship.  The offering also supports the weekend “Backpack Buddy” program which provides food for school children.



Today is March 29, 2025

Wallace Presbyterian Church
205 West Main Street
Wallace, NC 28466-2903
Fax: 910.285.3607

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 717
Wallace, NC 28466


Robert H. Lapp

Church Secretary:
Cheryl Brinkley

Presbytery of
Coastal Carolina

Church USA