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Welcome to Wallace Presbyterian Church! 

We are a church with a big heart located in the heart of downtown - one with a rich history (founded in 1884) and an exciting future. We were blessed to have Rev. Dr. Philip Gladden, "Dr. Phil”, as our pastor for 25 years, until his retirement in May 2023. As we discern our future during this season of transition, we continue to offer vibrant worship and music, spiritual nurture for all ages, compassionate care for those in need, and mission outreach to our community and beyond.

Our governing body, the Session, appointed a Transitional Ministry Team to conduct a mission study that included surveying the church and interviewing leaders in our community. We listened to their hopes and dreams, needs and concerns for our town. We believe this enabled us to more clearly discern God's direction for the next chapter in the life of our church. Our Pastor Nominating Committee is actively seeking a pastor with the gifts and passion to help us live into the vision God is revealing to us.


At Wallace Presbyterian Church, we envision a community where faith, friendship, and service intertwine to embody God's love and grace. We strive to create a nurturing environment and develop ministries where individuals of all ages can grow spiritually, form meaningful relationships, and actively participate in acts of compassion and service, both locally and beyond.


To carry on Christ’s mission today by enriching the lives of our church and community, nurturing the faith of children and youth, fostering meaningful relationships across all ages, and serving through dedicated outreach and support.

We invite you to join us in worship, fellowship, and mission as we strive to live out our faith and share God’s love in our community and beyond.


Rev. Robert H. “Robb” Lapp,
Transitional Pastor

Today is March 24, 2025

Wallace Presbyterian Church
205 West Main Street
Wallace, NC 28466-2903
Fax: 910.285.3607

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 717
Wallace, NC 28466


Robert H. Lapp

Church Secretary:
Cheryl Brinkley

Presbytery of
Coastal Carolina

Church USA